How to Make an Album Cover on iPhone & iPad

When it comes to creating an album cover, you might feel a little discouraged. You may not know where to start or what features are available on your phone's camera. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: use your phone's camera. This blog will teach you how to take the perfect selfie or portraits with your phone and process them using an app like Photoshop. This blog will help you create the album cover of your dreams, from finding the best lighting conditions to editing and retouching photos.

We live in a digital age. With apps like Camera+, it's easy to take pictures and edit them using powerful photo editing tools.

Nowadays, most people use their smartphones for more than just making phone calls or texting their friends. Many people share photos of themselves on social media, and even with the many filters available on Instagram, not everyone has an eye for photography.

So, how can you create an album cover with your phone? There are a few ways. One way is to create unique photos to make your album stand out from others. Another way is to use an app like Photoshop or PicMonkey to process your images.

These apps allow users to adjust the lighting and color of their photos and then save them as either a jpeg or png file at various resolutions. In this blog, we'll show you how to do all those things so you can create your perfect album cover.

How to Make an Album Cover on iPhone & iPad

Choosing Your Camera Settings

Before you start taking photos with your phone's camera, there are a few settings that you should adjust.

The first is the aperture. Aperture is the opening of the lens, which controls how much light enters the camera. Increasing the aperture will make your photo brighter by allowing more light in and reducing the field depth (the range within which objects appear to be in focus). You should adjust the other two main settings are ISO and shutter speed.

Another critical setting you should change is white balance. White balance lets your phone know what temperature white things should look like to render images' colors correctly.

That's all good, but how do these settings affect my photos? Well, take a look at this example:

This picture has an aperture of f/4 and was taken at ISO 100. There is less depth of field in this setting than on a photo taken with a wider aperture and higher ISO sensitivity (ISO 400).

Editing Photos Before or After Taking Them

Taking a selfie is easy, but editing can be a little more complicated. One of the easiest ways to edit your photos is before taking them. This allows you to pick the best shot and get a head start on editing it.

Another way to edit your photos is after you take them: You might not have time to capture that perfect moment, so you'll want to take multiple shots and edit them later.

If you're looking for an app easy to use that edits photos both before and after taking them, try Snapseed. It's free and has tons of features like adjusting color balance, cropping images, creating filters, blurring backgrounds, and sharpening images.

Retouching and Editing Photos

One of the essential aspects of album design is retouching and editing photos.

This blog will teach you the basics of photo editing and retouching, such as cropping, color correcting, and adjusting levels. You can also learn about photo filters like healing brush and lens blur.

This blog will teach you everything you need to know about retouching and editing your photos. This blog has all the information you're looking for, from what type of software to use to how to change colors.

Adding a Filter to Your Photo

If you're using your phone's camera, you'll want to add filters to your photos. The best time to use a filter is when you're taking a picture with your phone. If you take the photo without a filter, it might be too dark or too bright for the image.

To find a filter that will look good with your photo, first choose what type of photo you're trying to take. Are you taking portrait-style photos? Then try filters like “vintage” or “black & white.” Or are you shooting landscapes? Try a filter called “sepia.”

Once you've found a filter that suits your needs, add it on top of one of your photos. This way, all photos in an album will have the same effect and style.

Changing the Color of The Photo

One of the most common mistakes people make when capturing a photo is not changing the image's color. It's easy to make your photo look more professional by using one of the many different color effects available.

Your phone works well with filters that change colors, and you can edit them in Photoshop. For instance, please look at the top two photos on this blog: The first photo has no filter applied to it whatsoever and takes up a large portion of the canvas. The second picture has an excellent blue filter, which creates a unique effect.

The key here is experimenting with different colors to find what suits your needs best.

Adding a Text Overlay to Your Photo.

One of the simplest ways to produce a great album cover is to add text overlays to your photo. This can be done with a free or paid app, like Photoshop or WordSwag. These apps make it easy to design and create text through different fonts, colors, and styles. You can also use text overlays with your photos as a way to personalize them.

A text overlay usually lasts for two seconds on screen, so if you're unsure about how long it needs to be, start with that amount of time and keep editing until it's perfect. The process is similar to when you take a picture. You need to find the right lighting conditions, focus on your subject (a face), and adjust the settings until it's perfect.

The Best iPhone Apps To Design An Album Cover On

The good thing about using an iPhone is that it opens up a whole new world of opportunities for music artists. The App Store has tons of resources that you can use, whether free or paid. Let's take a look at some iPhone apps to design an album cover on your iphone.



Procreate is a very diverse app that you can use to design an album cover for your self-promotion campaigns. It is one of the best iPhone and iPad apps to design an album cover on, and it's also pretty easy to use if you've already got some artistic skills.

Depending on your device, you may need a generation 1 or 2 Apple Pencil, so be sure to check for compatibility before making your purchase.

Even if you don't have an Apple Pencil, the app is still straightforward to use, and you will probably find it a lot of fun using it at the same time!



Canva is a web-based app that you can use to design Facebook covers, Pinterest graphics, or basically any type of image that you want. The platform offers different tools for editing your images and they are very easy to use.

The great thing about Canva is the fact that the free version has tons of gigabytes worth of resources available for download and a tonne of templates.

You first need to sign up for an account or link your Google account. You can then use it on your iPhone or iPad and have it synced to your desktop to streamline the workflow.

Procreate Pocket

Procreate pocket

Procreate has finally made their app more usable for people with smaller screens. Procreate Pocket is the official mobile version of Procreate for iPad. The new interface and QuickMenus allow you to access your favorite tools without fiddling about, making it a better experience overall!

Procreate Pocket is an app that's designed to rival programs like Corel Painter. There are also Liquify warping capabilities for making animation-like GIFs, so if graphics designing has been holding back any potential creativity because of its high price tag or complex interface, now is the time to check it out.

DesignLab Studio

Designlab studio

PicLab Studio has been replaced by DesignLab, which enables you to create some clean and professional-looking album cover designs. It is very easy to use and it has a tonne of templates.

Affinity Photo

affinity photo

Affinity Photo is the best one-time-payment solution for anybody who was disappointed by Photoshop's payment model and want's to design album covers on their iPhone. It is also one of the best graphic designing software out there and if you need to edit the files on different devices, it works well on both Mac and Windows platforms!

About Author

Arielle P

Arielle P

Songwriter | Music Producer | Engineer.

With a background in music production and a strong passion for education, Arielle is dedicated to helping emerging artists navigate the music industry. She has worked with a diverse range of artists, from indie rock bands to well-known hip-hop and grime artists. Arielle's unique approach to teaching focuses on empowering artists to take control of their brand, ensuring they retain creative ownership throughout their journey. In her free time, she enjoys experimenting with new sounds in her home studio and sharing her insights through music production tutorials and workshops.

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