QSC TouchMix 8 Vs. Soundcraft Signature 22MTK: Reviewed & Compared

Choosing the right mixer when there are so many on the market these days isn't easy.
Especially when many of them are built for one specific need but being marketed as an all-rounder 🙄
But not to worry, I've got ya!
I have taken a deep dive into two beasts in the audio-mixing game and gone head to head with them: QSC TouchMix 8 vs. Soundcraft Signature 22MTK.

We're looking at things like:
  • Sound Quality: This is the heart of the matter, right? How each mixer holds up in delivering crisp, clear audio. Are we talking about a mixer that makes your tracks sound like they're live from the garage, or are we hitting studio-quality sound?
  • Ease of Use: Nobody wants to spend hours figuring out which button does what. I’ll break down the user interface of both QSC TouchMix 8 and Soundcraft Signature 22MTK. Are they plug-and-play easy, or will you need a PhD in mixology to use them?
  • Features and Functions: Ie. What's under the hood? Let's find out what sets them apart.
  • Durability: No matter your reason for buying, you want something that's gonna last, not fall apart after a few light sessions.
  • Price Point: Yep, money talks. When it comes to prices, we need to see which mixer gives us more bang for our buck. Is the higher price of one justified by its features, or is the other a hidden gem at a bargain price?
  • Customer Reviews and Feedback: What's the word on the street? Sometimes real-world use tells a different story than what the sales page says.

QSC TouchMix-8

I Got My Hands on the QSC TouchMix-8: Still Impressed

I got my hands on the QSC TouchMix-8 when it first came out, and man, it's still a game-changer. This little beast replaces racks of EQs, compressors, and gates. The best part? Everything's super easy to access. You don't need a cheat sheet for menus because there's no annoying digging through sub-menus. Plus, the noise level? Ridiculously low, perfect for on-location gigs or filming.

Power and Portability

If you're thinking of going mobile with this mixer, keep in mind the AC adaptor is proprietary, supplying several different voltages. While you won't need a gas generator, rigging an outboard battery means getting a 12-volt, 17-amp AGM battery and a mini sine wave inverter. Trust me, this board's powerful enough to lay down all your tracks on an optional SSD drive for processing through your favorite DAW.

Touch Screen: A Mixed Bag

Now, let's talk touch screen. The sensitivity can be a bit frustrating at times, and the graphics could use a higher resolution, especially for the RTA. An LED screen update would be nice, particularly for outdoor gigs.

Reliability Issues

One thing to note – there have been a few issues with the aux sends and the board freezing up. I've also noticed some lag when moving the virtual faders on the built-in touch screen, which can be pretty annoying. But remember, no mixer is perfect.

Sound Quality and Effects

The sound quality? Spot on. The effects are top-notch, easily rivaling other portable digital consoles in this range. The mic pres are good, and the compressor lets you dial in precisely. It’s a bit bright, but the dynamics are stellar.

Overall Verdict

Despite its few quirks, the QSC TouchMix-8 is a fantastic, powerful mixer in a compact package. It's got big power and a small footprint, making it a solid choice for those needing a robust feature set in a portable design. Just be prepared to deal with that touch screen and keep an eye on those aux sends.

Soundcraft Signature 22MTK

Everything The Product Sales Page Doesn't Tell You About The Soundcraft Signature 22MKT

I tested the Soundcraft Signature 22MKT for a couple of weeks. I know, not that long, but it's been a revelation every day.

I work with a local piece band and they've been able to lay down live recordings in one take, capturing everything onto separate tracks in the DAW.

The ability to record up to 22 tracks simultaneously has been a game-changer in this respect.

Sound Quality and Support

Warm, Analog Sound

The sound quality is exactly what we were looking for. The mixer provides a broad, balanced frequency range, delivering that warm, analog sound.

Plus, the onboard effects buses allow for creative mixing. Not to mention, the support from Soundcraft has been exceptional, both before and after purchase.

Who Is The 22MKT For? Not Beginners

Difficult Setup and Poor Documentation

I always have to give the good, bad and the ugly… so here it is:

It's not all smooth sailing. Setting up the mixer with Windows was a nightmare, with no useful online resources.

The manual was no help either. It's a great board for those who know what they're doing and know their way around boards, but I can definitely see how for a beginner, it would be a steep and frustrating learning curve.

Early Impressions ✅

Impressive Functionality

In the early days of testing out the 22MTK, I was impressed with its routing capabilities, especially to outboard gear.

The onboard Lexicon effects are a bonus, and the ability to use DAW plugins during live play is a huge plus. However, the lack of an on/off switch and inserts is a bit puzzling.

Channel Issues and Sturdiness

Some Quality Concerns

Unfortunately, I soon ran into issues with channel one having low gain and a hum. This was unexpected, especially considering the mixer hadn't seen much use.

While the mixer is generally sturdy, these issues do raise some concerns about its long-term reliability.

Perfect for Specific Needs

Ideal for Unique Applications

This mixer was perfect for running a mic through guitar pedals. Its small footprint and built-in effects make it versatile for creating unique sounds. It's a solid choice for those needing a compact mixer with good functionality.

Soundcraft 12MTK: A Better Choice For Beginners

I know I have kind of shifted between the 12 and the 22 and thats because they are pretty much the same thing, you either need the extra channels (22MTK) or oyu don't (12MTK).

But the like its big bro, the Soundcraft 12MTK offers good sound quality and is fairly lightweight. The preamps are notable, as is the mid-range EQ. However, there are significant design flaws, like the problematic gain ratio and the lack of an on/off switch, which can be frustrating. It's a good mixer overall but be prepared for some quirks.

Head 2 Head: QSC TouchMix 8 or Soundcraft Signature 22MTK

QSC TouchMix-8: A Compact Powerhouse

Alright, let's dive into this little monster, the QSC TouchMix-8. It's like a pocket-sized Godzilla, packing in a ton of power and replacing racks of EQs, compressors, and gates. Seriously, it's like having an entire sound team at your fingertips – minus the squabbling and coffee runs. The best part? You don't need an engineering degree to get it running. Forget about sub-menus that feel like falling down a rabbit hole. Everything is right there, easy to access and no cheat sheet required.

The Sound of Silence

This baby keeps things quiet. Ridiculously low noise level makes it ideal for on-location gigs or filming. You won't be battling hisses and hums when you're trying to capture that perfect take.

Power Meets Portability

Planning to take this bad boy on the road? Just remember, the AC adaptor is proprietary. So if you're thinking about battery rigging for those off-grid jam sessions, you'll need a 12-volt, 17-amp AGM battery and a mini sine wave inverter. But trust me when I say that this mixer's power makes it worth the extra effort.

Touchy Business

Now onto the touch screen – which can sometimes feel as touchy as a temperamental diva on tour day three. The sensitivity can be frustrating at times and the graphics could use some sprucing up – we're talking higher resolution here folks.

A Few Hiccups

I've noticed some lag with those virtual faders on the built-in touch screen which can be pretty annoying during live performances. There were also reports of some issues with the aux sends and the board freezing up. It's worth keeping an eye on, but hey, no mixer is perfect.

Top-Notch Sound Quality

Despite these minor quirks, the sound quality of this mixer is spot on. The effects are top-notch and can easily give other portable digital consoles a run for their money. Plus, the compressor lets you dial in precisely for that perfect balance.

Soundcraft Signature 22MTK: A Creative Powerhouse

Next up, we've got the Soundcraft Signature 22MTK. This beauty boasts creative capabilities that would make Picasso jealous. The ability to simultaneously record up to 22 tracks is a game-changer for any band looking to capture their live performances in all their raw glory. The sound quality is warm and balanced – like a perfect cup of coffee on a cold morning.

Support That's Got Your Back

The support from Soundcraft has been exceptional – they've got your back both before and after purchase. It's like having a tech guru right there in your corner whenever you need them.

Not For Beginners

This mixer isn't for greenhorns though. Setting it up felt like solving an enigma code, with poor manual documentation and scant online resources adding to the frustration.

Impressive Functionality

Once you get past the setup hurdle, this mixer impresses with its routing capabilities. The onboard Lexicon effects are a bonus and using DAW plugins during live play feels like having an extra band member – one that doesn't eat all your snacks.

A Few Concerns

There have been some issues though – channel one started showing low gain and a hum. This raises some concerns about long-term reliability. Plus, the lack of an on/off switch and inserts is a bit puzzling.

And the Winner Is…

After some serious consideration, I'm crowning the QSC TouchMix-8 as the winner. Its compact design, powerful output, ease of use and excellent sound quality gives it the edge over Soundcraft Signature 22MTK. While both mixers have their strengths, the QSC TouchMix-8 pulls ahead with its plug-and-play simplicity and portable power. It's perfect for professionals looking for a robust feature set in a mobile package. Meanwhile, the Soundcraft Signature 22MTK remains a solid choice for those with specific needs and a good level of technical know-how.