Non-Exclusive Music License Agreement Template

This Non-Exclusive Music License Agreement Template is between a music producer and an artist. The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the license, including the duration of the license, the territory in which the licensed music may be used, and any other restrictions on use. This template can be easily modified to fit the specific needs of your project.

Non-Exclusive Music License Agreement

1. This Non-Exclusive Music License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is between ____________________ (the “Producer”) and ___________________ (the “Artist”).

2. The Producer hereby grants to the Artist a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the Producer's musical compositions and sound recordings embodied therein (the “Producer's Works”) in the Artist's performances, recordings, videos, and other multimedia works (the “Artist's Works”), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3. The term of this license shall commence on ____________ and shall continue for a period of ____ years thereafter.

4. The license granted herein is limited to use in the territory specified below: _____________.

5. The Artist shall not use the Producer's Works in any manner that would derogate from the Producer's reputation or goodwill.

6. The Artist shall not alter, modify, or change the Producer's Works in any way without the prior written consent of the Producer.

7. The Artist shall not use the Producer's Works for any commercial purpose without the prior written consent of the Producer.

8. The Artist shall not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Producer.

9. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ____________.

10. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of __________ Arbitration Association. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.


Producer's signature


Artist's signature


To save you the copy and paste trouble, you can simply download the free Word Doc and PDF of the agreement.


What Is a Non-Exclusive Music License, and Why Do You Need One?

A non-exclusive music license is a legally binding agreement between a music producer and an artist that gives the artist the right to use the producer's musical compositions and sound recordings in the artist's performances, recordings, videos, and other multimedia works.

The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the license, including the duration of the license, the territory in which the licensed music may be used, and any other restrictions on use.

The main purpose of a non-exclusive music license is to protect the rights of both the artist and the producer. The artist is granted a limited right to use the producer's works, and the producer is ensured that the artist will not use the works in a way that would damage the producer's reputation or goodwill.

Why do you need a license? Copyright law protects intellectual property, including music. If you want to use a copyrighted song in your project, you need to get permission from the copyright holder. Without a license, you could be violating copyright law and subject to legal penalties.

What Are the Different Types of Licenses?

There are many different types of licenses, and the right type of license for your project will depend on a number of factors, including the nature of your project, the scope of your use, and the budget you have available.

Some of the most common types of licenses include:

  • Synchronization license: A synchronization license is required whenever you want to use a piece of music in conjunction with visual images, such as in a movie, television show, or video game.
  • Master use license: A master use license is required when you want to use a sound recording of a song, rather than the song itself. This type of license is typically obtained from the record label that owns the master recording.
  • Public performance license: A public performance license is required whenever you want to perform a piece of music in public, such as in a concert or on the radio. This type of license is typically obtained from the performing rights organization that represents the copyright holders of the song.

How Do You Choose the Right Type of License for Your Project?

The type of license you need will depend on the nature of your project and the scope of your use. If you're unsure about what type of license you need, you should consult with a professional who can help you determine the best course of action.

How Does the Licensing Process Work?

Non-exclusive music licenses are typically negotiated and agreed upon between the artist and producer. Once the terms of the license have been agreed upon, the artist will sign a contract that sets forth the details of the agreement.

The contract will specify the duration of the license, the territory in which the licensed music may be used, and any other restrictions on use.

What Are Common Issues that Can Arise During the Licensing Process?

There are a few common issues that can arise during the licensing process, including:

Sample clearance: If you're planning to use a sample of another copyrighted work in your song, you'll need to obtain permission from the copyright holder of the original work. This process is known as “sample clearance.”

Publishing rights: In order to license a piece of music, you'll need to obtain the permission of the copyright holder. This can be tricky if the song is co-written by multiple songwriters, or if the song is published by a publishing company.

Restrictions on use: The terms of a non-exclusive music license can be quite restrictive. For example, the artist may only be allowed to use the licensed song for a specific period of time, or in a specific territory.

It's important to be aware of these potential issues before you enter into a non-exclusive music license agreement. Consulting with an entertainment lawyer can help you avoid potential problems down the road.

How To Resolve Any Licensing Disputes that May Come Up

There are a few different options available to you if you believe that the other party has breached the terms of your non-exclusive music license agreement.

First, you could try to resolve the issue directly with the other party. This may be possible if the breach is minor and both parties are willing to communicate and come to an agreement.

However, if the breach is more serious or if the other party is unwilling to negotiate, you may need to take legal action. This could involve filing a lawsuit or going through arbitration.

Ultimately, the best course of action will depend on the specific situation and on the relationship between the parties involved.