Behringer Xenyx X1204USB Vs. QSC TouchMix 8: Head To Head Comparison – READ BEFORE YOU BUY!!

Choosing the right mixer when there are so many on the market these days isn't easy.
Especially when many of them are built for one specific need but being marketed as an all-rounder 🙄
But not to worry, I've got ya!
I have taken a deep dive into two beasts in the audio-mixing game and gone head to head with them: Behringer Xenyx X1204USB vs. QSC TouchMix 8.

We're looking at things like:
  • Sound Quality: This is the heart of the matter, right? How each mixer holds up in delivering crisp, clear audio. Are we talking about a mixer that makes your tracks sound like they're live from the garage, or are we hitting studio-quality sound?
  • Ease of Use: Nobody wants to spend hours figuring out which button does what. I’ll break down the user interface of both Behringer Xenyx X1204USB and QSC TouchMix 8. Are they plug-and-play easy, or will you need a PhD in mixology to use them?
  • Features and Functions: Ie. What's under the hood? Let's find out what sets them apart.
  • Durability: No matter your reason for buying, you want something that's gonna last, not fall apart after a few light sessions.
  • Price Point: Yep, money talks. When it comes to prices, we need to see which mixer gives us more bang for our buck. Is the higher price of one justified by its features, or is the other a hidden gem at a bargain price?
  • Customer Reviews and Feedback: What's the word on the street? Sometimes real-world use tells a different story than what the sales page says.

Behringer Xenyx X1204USB

I want to focus on the things the sales page doesn't tell you. And that's the good, bad, and the ugly.

I test and play around with mixer's all day, and the Xenyx is one of those ones you keep around. It's a good price for pretty much anybody to get their hands on, and if you're grabbing one second hand, you're all set.

So, I've know this mixer for seven years, and on some personal projects, I'm still using it almost 24/7. Some faders crackle, and a few buttons need a nudge now and then, but that's expected without regular maintenance.

Honestly, it's been a flawless experience for my needs, mainly as an XLR to USB interface.

The USB Interface

Good, But With Limitations

The USB input's a bit tricky; it lacks volume control and EQ adjustments. And if you're using the USB out, you're stuck with just 44.1K or 48K output, based on the main bus. This can be a bit limiting if you need to use both the main mix out and the USB output simultaneously.

Board Features: Hits and Misses

Quality Preamps with a Warm Touch ✅🔥

The preamps are surprisingly good, though they add a warm coloration to the audio. So that's either a positive or negative depending on your preference.

The built-in compressors and EQ are decent for the price.

The AUX channel's integration with the master mix, however, can be a bit limiting.

The FX channel, with its variety of sound effects, is a nice touch.

Final Verdict: Great Value, But Not Without Flaws

For its price, this board is a fantastic deal. No doubt about it!

It's not perfect, though – the USB interface could be more versatile, and the preamps, while good, have their quirks.

But considering the price, it's a solid choice for a range of audio needs, from small-scale live events to home studios.

QSC TouchMix-8

I Got My Hands on the QSC TouchMix-8: Still Impressed

I got my hands on the QSC TouchMix-8 when it first came out, and man, it's still a game-changer. This little beast replaces racks of EQs, compressors, and gates. The best part? Everything's super easy to access. You don't need a cheat sheet for menus because there's no annoying digging through sub-menus. Plus, the noise level? Ridiculously low, perfect for on-location gigs or filming.

Power and Portability

If you're thinking of going mobile with this mixer, keep in mind the AC adaptor is proprietary, supplying several different voltages. While you won't need a gas generator, rigging an outboard battery means getting a 12-volt, 17-amp AGM battery and a mini sine wave inverter. Trust me, this board's powerful enough to lay down all your tracks on an optional SSD drive for processing through your favorite DAW.

Touch Screen: A Mixed Bag

Now, let's talk touch screen. The sensitivity can be a bit frustrating at times, and the graphics could use a higher resolution, especially for the RTA. An LED screen update would be nice, particularly for outdoor gigs.

Reliability Issues

One thing to note – there have been a few issues with the aux sends and the board freezing up. I've also noticed some lag when moving the virtual faders on the built-in touch screen, which can be pretty annoying. But remember, no mixer is perfect.

Sound Quality and Effects

The sound quality? Spot on. The effects are top-notch, easily rivaling other portable digital consoles in this range. The mic pres are good, and the compressor lets you dial in precisely. It’s a bit bright, but the dynamics are stellar.

Overall Verdict

Despite its few quirks, the QSC TouchMix-8 is a fantastic, powerful mixer in a compact package. It's got big power and a small footprint, making it a solid choice for those needing a robust feature set in a portable design. Just be prepared to deal with that touch screen and keep an eye on those aux sends.

Head 2 Head: Behringer Xenyx X1204USB or QSC TouchMix 8

Behringer Xenyx X1204USB: The Analog Veteran

Oldie but Goodie
Let's chat about the Behringer Xenyx X1204USB, a live sound mixer that's endured the test of time. It's been my trusty sidekick for seven long years, running almost non-stop and still keeping its cool. Sure, a few faders have developed an attitude and need some coaxing, but what do you expect from a piece of tech that's been working overtime without so much as a coffee break? Consider it character building.

Drivers: A Horror Story
Now let me give you the lowdown on the Behringer drivers for Windows 7 – they're like that one toxic ex we all have. Installing them made my system as stable as a house of cards in a hurricane. I had to roll up my sleeves and dive into the murky depths of system files and registry codes to undo their damage. Moral of the story? Stick with default drivers; they're like that reliable friend who always has your back.

USB Interface: The Bittersweet Symphony

The USB interface on this analog mixer is like ordering a pizza without any toppings – it gets the job done, but lacks some flavor. There are no volume controls or EQ adjustments for USB input, and if you're using USB output, it only offers 44.1K or 48K based on the main bus. If you need to use both main mix out and USB output simultaneously, it's like trying to juggle while riding a unicycle.

Mixer Features: The Beauty and The Beast

The preamps on this compact mixer are surprisingly good, giving audio a warm touch like hot chocolate on a cold day. The built-in compressors and EQ are decent for the price, and the FX channel's variety of sound effects adds some spice. But the AUX channel's integration with the master mix can be as confusing as a David Lynch movie.

Verdict: The Bargain Hunter's Dream

This board is like finding a designer dress at a thrift store – it's not perfect, but for its price, it's a steal. The USB interface could use some work, and while the preamps are good, they have their quirks. But if you're looking for a budget-friendly audio interface that can handle everything from small live events to home studios, this is your guy.

QSC TouchMix-8: The Digital Dynamo

On to the QSC TouchMix-8 now – an audio powerhouse that packs in features like a Swiss Army knife. This digital mixer replaces racks of EQs, compressors, and gates without breaking a sweat or cluttering your workspace. And noise level? Lower than my chances of winning the lottery.

Power meets Portability

This compact mixer is as portable as it gets. But bear in mind that its AC adapter is proprietary – trying to rig an outboard battery means dealing with multiple voltages like you're diffusing a bomb in an action movie.

Touch Screen: A Tale of Two Cities

The touch screen on this mixing console is like eating sushi with chopsticks; it requires precision and patience. Graphics could use some sprucing up for better visibility during outdoor gigs or under harsh lighting conditions. A little bit more sensitivity wouldn't hurt either.

A Few Speed Bumps on the Road

There have been instances of aux sends throwing tantrums and the board freezing up like an anxious actor forgetting his lines. The virtual faders can lag on the touch screen, which can be as annoying as a mosquito buzzing in your ear.

Sonics and Effects: Music to My Ears

The sound quality is spot on, like hitting a bullseye. Effects are top-notch, giving other portable mixers a run for their money. The mic pres are good, and the compressor lets you dial in precisely. It's a bit bright, but the dynamics are as impressive as a Cirque du Soleil performance.

Final Thoughts: A Compact Powerhouse

Despite some minor hiccups, the QSC TouchMix-8 is one hell of a USB mixer. It's compact yet powerful – like Yoda from Star Wars – and offers a robust feature set that fits right into your backpack.

And The Winner Is…
After weighing our contenders, it's clear that the QSC TouchMix-8 takes home the crown. Its powerful features coupled with its portability make it ideal for musicians or sound engineers on-the-go. While Behringer Xenyx X1204USB puts up a good fight, especially considering its price point, it's hard to ignore some of its limitations when compared to what TouchMix-8 offers. Remember though, each mixer has its strengths depending on your needs – so choose wisely!