Behringer Wing Vs. Zoom LiveTrak L 8: Compared And Rated

Choosing the right mixer when there are so many on the market these days isn't easy.
Especially when many of them are built for one specific need but being marketed as an all-rounder 🙄
But not to worry, I've got ya!
I have taken a deep dive into two beasts in the audio-mixing game and gone head to head with them: Behringer Wing vs. Zoom LiveTrak L 8.

We're looking at things like:
  • Sound Quality: This is the heart of the matter, right? How each mixer holds up in delivering crisp, clear audio. Are we talking about a mixer that makes your tracks sound like they're live from the garage, or are we hitting studio-quality sound?
  • Ease of Use: Nobody wants to spend hours figuring out which button does what. I’ll break down the user interface of both Behringer Wing and Zoom LiveTrak L 8. Are they plug-and-play easy, or will you need a PhD in mixology to use them?
  • Features and Functions: Ie. What's under the hood? Let's find out what sets them apart.
  • Durability: No matter your reason for buying, you want something that's gonna last, not fall apart after a few light sessions.
  • Price Point: Yep, money talks. When it comes to prices, we need to see which mixer gives us more bang for our buck. Is the higher price of one justified by its features, or is the other a hidden gem at a bargain price?
  • Customer Reviews and Feedback: What's the word on the street? Sometimes real-world use tells a different story than what the sales page says.

Behringer Wing

Coming from a traditional manual mixing background, the initial setup of this digital beast was a bit overwhelming. It's a whole different ballgame, but thanks to some helpful online resources (shoutout to Drew Brashler on YouTube), I managed to navigate through most of its functionalities.

Transition from Analog to Digital

Transitioning from an analog mixer like the Behringer Xenyx 2442 to the WING was like stepping into the future. The digital scribble strip is a game-changer – say goodbye to masking tape and markers. And the ability to save settings on a USB stick is pure gold. No more panicking over messed-up settings; just reboot and you're back in business.

Connectivity and Remote Control

Pairing it with the Behringer SD16 stagebox expanded our setup, making it perfect for our medium-sized church. The mixer's wifi control capability is super handy, though I'd recommend using a tablet over a phone for a better experience. It's a lifesaver for live mixing or for bands wanting to make demos without breaking the bank.

Recording and Expansion Options

The USB interface for DAW integration is slick. But, if you're serious about multi-track recording, consider getting the X-Live SD expansion card. Yes, it's an extra expense, but being able to record all 32 channels simultaneously for virtual soundchecks is invaluable, especially for fine-tuning mixes.

Learning Curve and User Experience

There's definitely a steep learning curve, especially if digital mixers are new to you. But the control and convenience you get with digital are unmatched. The mixer's flexibility in routing, multiple outputs, and sound shaping tools like EQ, gates, and compressors are just mind-blowing.

Build and Portability

The mixer feels sturdy and reliable. It's surprisingly portable for its capabilities, making it a great choice for on-the-road gigs or permanent installation. I do recommend getting a solid flight case for it if you're traveling, or a Decksaver cover for permanent setups – it's worth the investment for protection.
Final Thoughts

Overall, the Behringer WING is an absolute beast that offers outstanding value for its price. The flexibility, sound quality, and range of features it packs are phenomenal for a mixer in this price range. Whether you're running a church service, a small band, or even a home studio, this mixer has got you covered. Just be prepared to invest some time in learning its ins and outs.

Zoom LiveTrak L-8

Zoom LiveTrak L-8: The Portable Powerhouse

I got my hands on the Zoom LiveTrak L-8, and let me tell you, it's like having a field recorder on steroids. This thing's versatile and solid – despite some calling it cheap, my experience says otherwise. I've got two of these, and they've held up well.

Professional Features, Battery-Powered Convenience

The L-8 packs features you'd expect from a pro-level unit – backlighted buttons, effects, presets, recording options, and even a battery backup. After 12 months of use, not a single hiccup. It's got a very robust feel to it. Beginners, intermediates, pros – this mixer's a solid buy for all. David Shanhun on YouTube showcases its capabilities well, so check him out for some real-world usage.

Mac Compatibility and Customer Service Woes

Now, it's not all perfect. I've had issues with my Mac Mini M1 – the mixer doesn't always stay connected after a power cycle. Customer service hasn't been a great help either. Bypassing my USB hub with a direct connection seemed to improve things, though.

Pre-Amps and Recording Excellence

What really stands out are the six high-performance pre-amps, each with phantom power. It's tough finding a portable recorder with this quality. The board's layered menu-driven controls can be overwhelming at first, but they open up a world of great recording possibilities. Those 6 assignable Sound Pads with 13 preset sounds are a blast, adding an extra dimension, especially for podcasters.

Great for Podcasting and Mixing

It's not just for recording; the L-8 is a fantastic tool for podcasting and mixing. The phone integration is a nice touch too. As an audio interface, it's a winner – plug it into a USB power bank, and you're set for high-quality recordings anywhere.

Live Streaming and Solo Acts

For church livestreaming or solo acts, it's a breeze to use. It's got way more features than I've tapped into yet, but it's been smooth sailing so far. The effects are usable, unlike many other mixers I've encountered, which is a major plus for live performances.

Recording and Interface Capabilities

As an audio interface, it's top-notch. You can record at 48/32, which is a step up from most interfaces offering a fixed 24-bit rate. The digital recorder is simple to use – just record your gig, pop the SD card into your computer, and drag and drop the audio files into your DAW.
Final Verdict

This mixer is a dream device for podcasters and small bands. It combines mixing and recording in a portable package that runs on batteries or power banks. The preamps sound amazing, making mics like the Shure Beta 58 sound fuller and richer. The only downside? You can use only one effect for all tracks, so no combining effects or using different ones on different tracks. But overall, highly recommended!

Head 2 Head: Behringer Wing or Zoom LiveTrak L 8

Behringer Wing: Stepping Into the Future of Mixing Consoles

Now, let's talk about the Behringer Wing. This digital mixer feels like a spaceship compared to your grandfather's analog mixer. It's a bit like going from an old school vinyl record player to a top-notch music production equipment on steroids. The digital scribble strip is the kind of feature that makes you wonder how you ever lived without it – say goodbye to masking tape and Sharpie scrawls. Plus, being able to save your settings on a USB stick? Absolute game-changer.

Connectivity and Remote Control

Pair this bad boy with the Behringer SD16 stagebox and you've got yourself a setup that would make any sound engineer drool. The remote control capabilities are slick, though I'd recommend using a tablet for best results. It's like having your cake and eating it too – live sound mixer capabilities with the convenience of remote control.

Recording and Expansion Options

The USB interface for DAW integration is as smooth as butter on hot toast. But if you're serious about multi-track recording (and why wouldn't you be?), consider splurging on the X-Live SD expansion card. To be able to record all 32 channels simultaneously is like having your own personal recording studio in your pocket – but better.

Learning Curve and User Experience

There's no sugarcoating it – this isn't some plug-and-play toy. There's definitely a learning curve here but once you've climbed that mountain, the view is worth it. The flexibility in routing, multiple outputs, EQ, gates, compressors… it's like having an entire recording studio at your fingertips.

Zoom LiveTrak L-8: A Portable Powerhouse of a Recording Device

Then there's the Zoom LiveTrak L-8, which is essentially a field recorder on steroids. This portable audio interface is as versatile as they come, and don't let anyone tell you it's cheap – I've got two of these babies and they're built like tanks.

Professional Features, Battery-Powered Convenience

This digital mixer is packed with pro-level features: backlighted buttons, effects, presets, recording options – you name it. Even a battery backup for when you're out in the field and the power goes out. It's like a Swiss Army knife for your audio needs.

Mac Compatibility and Customer Service Woes

The L-8 isn't without its quirks though. There have been some Mac compatibility issues which can be frustrating if you're in the Apple ecosystem. And while customer service could use a boost, the overall performance and features of this device make up for it.

Pre-Amps and Recording Excellence

What really stands out are the six high-performance pre-amps. Finding this level of quality in a portable recorder is like finding a unicorn at a horse show – rare but oh so satisfying. The menu-driven controls might seem overwhelming at first but give them some time and they'll open up a world of possibilities.

Final Verdict

The Zoom LiveTrak L-8 is fantastic for podcasters and small bands alike but it has one major drawback – you can only use one effect for all tracks. On the other hand, Behringer Wing offers more flexibility with its multiple outputs and sound shaping tools. So, despite the steep learning curve, I'd have to say the Behringer Wing takes the cake here. It's a digital mixer that offers a range of studio gear features and its sound quality is just unbeatable in this price range. Don't get me wrong, the Zoom LiveTrak L-8 is a great piece of kit, but when it comes to overall value for money and functionality, the Behringer Wing truly flies high above the rest.