Do you want to know how to strengthen your falsetto voice? In this blog post, we will discuss 10 tips and exercises that will help improve your falsetto range and strength. If you are interested in learning how to use your falsetto voice more effectively, keep reading!
Falsetto is a type of singing voice that is higher than your normal speaking voice. It is often used in pop and rock music, and can be a great tool for vocalists who want to add more depth and range to their sound.
However, falsetto can be difficult to control and maintain, which is why it is important to learn how to strengthen your falsetto voice.

Here Are 10 Tips and Exercises that Will Help You Strengthen Your Falsetto Voice:
1. Practising Scales

Start by practicing scales. Scales will help you develop the necessary muscle memory for hitting higher notes.
Choose a comfortable starting note and sing up the scale until you reach your highest note. Then, come back down the scale.
Start with simple scales such as do, re, mi, and so on. Once you have mastered these, you can move on to more complex scales.
You should practice scales every day for at least 15 minutes.
2. Use a Metronome

When practicing scales, it is important to use a metronome. This will help you keep a steady tempo and rhythm.
Set the metronome to a slow speed to start with. Then, as you get better at hitting the notes, you can gradually increase the speed.
Using a metronome will also help you develop a better sense of timing and rhythm, which are important skills for any musician.
3. Warm Your Voice Up

If you want to strengthen your Falsetto voice, you need to start with some vocal warm-ups. This will help to prepare your voice for the higher notes that you will be singing. There are many different vocal warm-ups that you can do, but here are a few of our favorites:
Start by humming gently on an “m” sound. You can do this with your lips closed or open. Then, gradually increase the volume of your humming until you are singing at a comfortable level.
“Tongue Trills”:
Try making a “rrr” sound with your tongue. This should create a vibrating sensation in your mouth. Once you have mastered this sound, try adding some pitch to it by going up and down the scale.
This is a great warm-up for your vocal cords. Start by taking a deep breath in and then exhaling slowly while making a “woooo” sound.
Be sure to keep your mouth open wide as you do this. You should feel your stomach rise and fall as you breathe.
If you are interested in learning more, I highly recommend checking out The Complete Guide to Vocal Warm-ups by Klaus Heizmann 😊.
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This book has over 200 different vocal exercises that you can do to warm-up your voice.
Klaus Heizmann is a world-renowned vocal coach who has worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry.
4. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is important for everyone, but it is especially important for singers. When you are well-hydrated, your vocal cords are able to produce a stronger sound.
You will also notice that your voice sounds clearer and less nasal when you are well-hydrated.
So, how much water should you be drinking?
The general rule is to drink eight glasses of water per day. However, you may need to drink more than this if you are singing for long periods of time or if you live in a dry climate.
Drinking herbal tea can also help to keep your vocal cords hydrated. Some good herbs to try are:
- marshmallow root,
- slippery elm bark,
- and licorice root.
You can find these herbs at most health food stores or online. We highly recommend Throat Coat Tea or Throat Comfort Tea 👇 which has these ingredients in it!
[amazon box=”B000CMH0OU”]
5. Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

A lot of people try to dispute this but it's been proven time and time again by experts: smoking and drinking alcohol is terrible for your vocal cords.
Smoking dries out your vocal cords and damages them over time. This can lead to a raspy voice or even hoarseness.
Alcohol also dries out your vocal cords. In addition, it can cause your vocal cords to swell. This can lead to a loss of vocal control and pitch problems.
So, if you want to have a strong Falsetto voice, it is best to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
6. Eat Healthy Foods

Eating healthy foods is important for everyone, but it is especially important for singers.
When you eat healthy foods, your vocal cords are able to produce a stronger sound.
You will also notice that your voice sounds clearer and less nasal when you are eating healthy foods and avoiding dairy.
7. Learn how to Breathe Correctly

Practicing your breathwork is one of the most important things that you can do to strengthen your Falsetto voice.
When you breathe correctly, your vocal cords are able to vibrate at a higher frequency, which will result in a higher pitch.
There are many different breathing exercises that you can do, but here is one of our favorites:
“Diaphragmatic Breathing”:
- Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
- Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. As you inhale, focus on pushing your stomach out. You should feel your hand move out as well.
- As you exhale, focus on pushing your stomach in. You should feel your hand move in as well.
Do this for ten breaths and then slowly get up from lying down.
There are many other breathing exercises that you can do to strengthen your Falsetto voice.
8. Practice Vocal Techniques

Some vocal techniques that you can use to strengthen your Falsetto voice.:
- Vibrato
- Glissando
- Legato
- Staccato
- Portamento
Each of these techniques has a different effect on the sound of your voice.
Vibrato is a technique that you can use to add expression to your Falsetto voice.
Glissando is a technique that you can use to slide between notes.
Legato is a technique that you can use to connect two notes together.
Staccato is a technique that you can use to add emphasis to a note.
Portamento is a technique that you can use to slide between two notes.
9. Take Vocal Lessons

Vocal lessons are always a good idea if you want to improve your singing voice. A professional vocal coach can help you learn how to use your falsetto correctly and how to strengthen it.
If you don't have the time or money for lessons, there are plenty of instructional materials out there that can help you learn how to use your falsetto correctly.
I highly recommend you check out this free 5-part mini singing course by Singorama (it's FREE!) to help you improve your vocal range. Just click the image to sign up for the course!
10. Get Plenty of Rest

Lastly, it is important to get plenty of rest if you want your falsetto to be at its best. When you are tired, your vocal cords are more likely to be strained and your falsetto will suffer as a result. Make sure to get plenty of sleep and take breaks during the day if you feel like your voice is getting tired.
How to Sing Falsetto without Cracking
Anyone can learn how to sing falsetto without cracking. The key is to start by finding your “break point” – the point at which your regular voice begins to crack when you try to sing higher.
Once you've found your break point, back off slightly and begin practicing some simple exercises in falsetto. It's also important to make sure that you're supported by good breath control. For this, the above techniques and exercises will help!